Old Saybrook

DOT Holds Rail Safety Training Drill in Old Saybrook

Old Saybrook Fire Department

The state Department of Transportation held a rail safety training drill with first responders in Old Saybrook on Saturday.

DOT said the drill appeared to look like and sound like a real train crash. It also included volunteers who played the role of injured passengers.

During the drill, there were calls to on-duty emergency first responders to respond to the scene and rescue crash victims.

“This important training drill and exercise will look, sound, and feel realistic to ensure participants get the most out of the exercise. The simulation is a real-world scenario we hope does not happen, but one we are prepared for,” said Connecticut Department of Transportation Commissioner Garrett Eucalitto.

After the simulation, DOT said participants met to share their observations and discuss insights from the exercise.

The exercise was conducted at the Old Saybrook train station with DOT, Amtrak and MetroWest agencies, Old Saybrook Fire Department, Old Saybrook Ambulance, Old Lyme Fire Department, Old Lyme Ambulance and Lyme Fire Department.

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