Former Celtics Player Shares Story of Addiction to Help Students

Windham Technical High School brought former NBA player Chris Herren in on Thursday to talk with students about the dangers of drug addiction and they said his message resonated.

Herren was a promising athlete who started abusing drugs and alcohol at a young age.

Drinking alcohol and smoke marijuana quickly escalated to taking pain killers, then using cocaine, OxyContin and heroin, he said.

But instead of just sharing the lows of how he overdosed four times, he also wanted to share with students how it all began.

“I think we all start off with red Solo cups. I think we all start off in some parent’s basement who thinks it is safe because you are not driving around town. But the reality is some kids get stuck in the basement,” Herren, a former NBA player who played with the Denver Nuggets and Boston Celtics.

Herren said adults often forget how hard high school was at times, as well as the battles kids face with self-esteem and peer pressure.

His message is to challenge students to be themselves.

“I often ask the kids, ‘What is it about you on a Friday night that you have lost the ability to just be happy with being you?” Herren said.

Tia Claus, of the Willington Substance Abuse Support group, arranged for Herren to speak and said she hopes the message sinks in to prevent another child from overdosing and dying like her son, Brandon Quinones.

“This is so prevalent in today’s society. Parents really need to make sure they are talking to their children about how dangerous this is,” Claus said.

The powerful message for students hit home for Shanel Grer, a senior at Windham Technical School who has family members who have battled addiction.

Herren’s speech inspired her.

“I have friends who do things they should not. So I just feel like I can be an example you know, and tell them what you are doing is not right. Kind of what he said, just be a good friend and not let them fall,” Grer said,

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