A large number of Memorial Day weekend beachgoers and nice weather made for a perfect combination to help boost sales for food vendors at Milford’s Walnut Beach.
“We’re down at the beach because this is where the people are,” says Jeff Fitzgerald, who ran Milford Soft Serve truck. “Very busy, very busy. (Sunday) was an awesome day for ice cream.”
The air temperature in Milford was around 80 degrees, with the water temperature about 20 degrees cooler.
Spending this weekend was predicted to be up.
The U-S Travel Association estimates those on trips will spend $12-billion, a small increase from last year.
That’s good news to the vendors who set up at Walnut Beach.
They say this weekend was off to a strong start.
“Wonderful, the weather, a little breeze, the people. Walnut Beach is number one,” says John Frank, who ran Frank’s Franks and Frank Family Italian Ice.
Many vendors were happy the weather on Saturday and Sunday was enjoyable considering the rainy forecast for Monday.