Animal control officers know they'll often have to deal with stray cats, and the occasional wild animal, but Milford officer Rick George was in for a bit of a surprise a few weeks ago when he came across some poisonous scorpions and potentially deadly snakes.
George was called to the home of a man who had died to remove some of the man's exotic pets, according to the Connecticut Post.
Among them were scorpions including, an Egyptian Death Stalker, Red Jackson and Emperor Scorpions, some of the deadliest in the world, the Connecticut Post reports.
George said the city could not handle the creatures, so he had to transport them to the Children's Museum in West Hartford. (In case your wondering, that's were the United Technologies Animal Sanctuary is.)
"They were in boxes wrapped with duct tape, but all the way up I'm thinking, 'If one of those critters gets out, I'm in big trouble,' " George told the Connecticut Post.
In addition to the scorpions, George removes several snakes, including a 12-foot Burmese python. Most of the snakes have been turned over to Bridgeport's Beardsley Zoo.