Walnut Beach Ice Cream Race Raises Funds for Boys and Girls Club of Milford

Today, runners in Milford laced up for the annual Walnut Beach Ice Cream Race to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Milford.

For a decade, kids and their parents have laced up to race in Walnut Beach Park, through Silver Sands and along the boardwalk.

“It was just so beautiful down by the beach and stuff it’s just gorgeous,” said Susan Prosnick of Shelton.

The annual Walnut Beach Ice Cream Run raises money for after school and summer programs at the Boys and Girls Club of Milford. Their goal at this race: $20,000.

“We serve over 500 kids a year and the money definitely is put to good use and we try to keep the fees very low for families so there’s nothing for them to have worry about and it’s just a fun safe place for kids to go every day,” explained Megan Altomare of the Milford Boys and Girls Club.

Participants had a sweet incentive to cross the finish line: free ice cream at the end of the race.

Walnut Beach Creamery dished out nearly a dozen different flavors to those wearing a race bib.

While the tasty treat was certainly a draw, the Falcon family’s reason to run was bittersweet.

“A good friend of my husband’s, he actually was a coach of the Boys and Girls Club years ago and so we’re running in memory of him,” said Delia Falcon of Hamden.

Officer Michael Compare was remembered before the race began. Susan Prosnick is a marathon runner, but this fun run was a chance to support a cause close to her heart.

“My son actually goes to the boys and girls club so it’s like helping that as well, so I’m very excited about that too,” Prosnick said.

While an ice cream bowl trophy awaited the first person over the finish line, the kids were the real winners of this race. 

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