What to Remember as Election Day Approaches

NBC Universal, Inc.

There are just two days before Election Day and there are a lot of things to remember before heading to the polls.

Here are a few important reminders.

Safety is a big concern for voters so election officials have worked to make it as safe as possible.

You'll see signage asking voters to stay six feet apart and there will be hand sanitizer stations set up at the polling locations.

Nearly 68% of American adults say the 2020 presidential election is a significant source of stress in their lives, according to a new Harris poll. Vaile Wright of the American Psychological Association joined LX News to respond to your questions about stress and share wellness tips ahead of Election Day.

You cannot be denied the right to vote if you are not wearing a mask, however, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and election leaders are strongly urging people to wear a masks throughout the entire process to protect poll workers and fellow voters.

Absentee ballots are another key issue. We've seen a record number of voters using this method due to COVID-19.

Monday is the last day to pick up an absentee ballot from your town hall and you have until 8 p.m. on Tuesday to drop the ballot off at a drop box. Town clerks are recommending that you turn it in as soon as possible.

If you requested an absentee ballot, you do have the option to vote in person. If you want to, you just have to make sure you discard the absentee ballot.

If you are one of those who will be voting in person on Election Day, here is an explanation of what you can and can't do at the polls.

There will be same day registration, however, it may be different from your usual polling location.

With the rush to get everyone accounted for, there are a few methods that towns are taking to ensure every ballot is collected and properly counted.

“To be honest, we’re trying to be flexible and respond to the new legislation that was passed that allows us to open up the outer envelopes, typically, we’d be doing this on Election Day," said New Britain Registrar of Voters Lucian Pawlak (D).

Polls will open at 6 a.m. on Election Day and close at 8 p.m. If you're in line at 8 p.m., you will be allowed to vote.

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