
Brookfield Public Schools Investigate Complaint Against Staff Member


The Brookfield school district is investigating after receiving a complaint against a staff member.

School officials said the complaint is regarding a staff member associated with the high school cheer team. The complaint contains allegations involving the well-being of students.

The school district has hired an attorney to conduct "an appropriate and thorough investigation" of the allegations in the complaint, they said.

"In all cases of allegations concerning student and staff safety, the District responds," Superintendent Dr. John W. Barile said in a statement.

Barile said investigators have already interviewed a number of witnesses. Interviews are expected to continue into the weekend and throughout the week.

School officials did not say exactly what the complaint was about.

The school district said they are making sure they are collecting data in an objective manner and will continue to take allegations seriously.

The full statement is available below:

"The Brookfield Public Schools has received a complaint regarding a staff member associated with the Brookfield High School Cheer Team. The complaint contained allegations involving the well-being of students. The Brookfield Board of Education and its administration take all such allegations seriously.

In all cases of allegations concerning student and staff safety, the District responds. Immediately upon receipt of the complaint, Superintendent of Schools Dr. John W. Barile made the decision that retention of counsel to conduct an appropriate and thorough investigation of the allegations in the complaint was warranted.

Thus far, the investigator has interviewed a number of witnesses.  Interviews of witnesses will continue throughout the weekend.  Several additional witness interviews are scheduled for the coming week.

 In closing, the investigation is proceeding to make certain that the District decisions are based on objective data.

The Brookfield Public Schools will have no further comment on this matter, so as not to hinder or unintentionally influence the outcome of the investigation."

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