New Haven

Firefighters Battle Multiple House Fires in New Haven in Heat, Humidity

The Fourth of July was a busy day for New Haven firefighters who had to battle two house fires in the hot and humid weather.

Neighbors say firefighters quickly knocked down a fire at a boarded up home at the corner of Dwight and George Streets shortly after noon. Flames could be seen coming out of the upper floor.

According to neighbors, construction had been going on there for the last month.

Earlier Wednesday morning, six firefighters required medical attention after battling a fire at a home on Arthur Street. One firefighter sustained an eye injury and was transported to the hospital, while five others were treated at the scene for heat-related injuries.

Officials say the fire started in the basement of the home and quickly spread to the second floor, third floor and roof. The second and third floors of the home are uninhabitable. The Red Cross is working to help the 12 people who are displaced until repairs can be made.

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