Flood Warning Sirens to Be Tested For MDC Facility

lake mcdonough
NBC Connecticut

The Metropolitan District Commission (MDC) will test their flood warning notification sirens in a few towns on Thursday, Oct. 28.

Residents should be aware that MDC will be testing sirens located at the Goodwin Dam Hydroelectric Powerhouse in West Hartland and the Grange Hall in the Riverton section of Barkhamsted.

According to MDC, each test will begin with a voice message stating: “The following warning tones are a test of the Goodwin Dam to Riverton Evacuation Siren System. In the event of an emergency situation at the Goodwin Dam, the following alarm tone would be sounded. This is only a test. This is only a test.”

The test will occur for no longer than five minutes and conclude with another message stating: “This announcement concludes the testing of the Goodwin Dam to Riverton Evacuation Siren System. This was only a test. This was only a test.”

The testing will occur at 1 p.m. and again at 7 p.m. and will be heard in areas of West Hartland, Colebrook, Riverton, and Barkhamsted.

The siren tests are required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for all hydroelectric power facilities.

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