To help make sure you stay informed on the most shared and talked about stories, each Saturday and Sunday we'll revisit 5 stories from the previous week, including the most recent updates.
You're Going to Need a Bigger Boat
A research group that tags and tracks sea life said Monday for the first time, it has tracked a great white shark in Long Island Sound. The shark, named Cabot, is 9-feet, 8-inches long and roughly 533 pounds, according to OCEARCH. The group said a GPS tracking device on the shark sent a ping from off the Greenwich shoreline just before 9 a.m. A day later, Cabot was tracked on the south side of Long Island. The researchers said they are digging deeper into their data to try and determine whether the shark was on the north side or south side of Long Island. See more on the shark here.
Cadet Commencement
The Coast Guard Academy held its 138th graduation in New London on Wednesday. U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton gave the keynote address and told 240 new graduates they will help lead the way in "reasserting American leadership in the Arctic." Eight Connecticut residents were among the graduates. For more on the commencement, click here.
When Bears Attack
A bear was euthanized after it attacked and killed a dog in Burlington Monday, according to the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Local and State police responded to the scene. State police said the bear got aggressive toward an officer and was euthanized on scene. See more on the incident here.
Son and Hero
An East Haven High School student saved his mother's life after she suffered a heart attack while the family was in upstate New York for a wresting tournament. Enzo Bunce said he used what he had learned about CPR in health class and reacted quickly when his mother collapsed. For more on his heroic actions, click here.
Burial Battle
The family of a Connecticut woman who died in January 2018 is still waiting to bury her, because of some red tape. Tessa Pascarella wanted a "green" burial, according to her family. Green burials are designed to have less of an impact on the environment. They are legal in Connecticut, but Pascarella's family has run into multiple road blocks to laying her to rest. See the details on their struggle here.