
Man That Shot, Killed Teen in Hartford in 2018 Sentenced to Prison


The family of a Hartford teenager got some closure Wednesday after the man that killed their loved one was sentenced to prison.

According to the state Department of Justice, 29-year-old William Moore of Bristol had fired a gun inside a Hartford home during the afternoon hours on December 5, the bullets striking both a teen and 17-year-old Karlonzo Taylor.

Both teens were taken to the hospital for treatment. Taylor eventually succumbed to his injuries, while the other teen survived and lives with persistent wounds.

"This case highlights a tragedy we, especially prosecutors, see daily in the criminal justice system. There are no winners in this case. The entire community loses. The victims and their families are suffering unimaginable loss, the school system was forever impacted by this crime and the defendant, as well as his family, face serious punishment. Gun violence has a devastating impact on our communities. Greater focus needs to be placed on improving access to mental health care for young adults. We, as a society, need to do better, for everyone," State's Attorney Walcott said in a statement.

Moore was convicted in the double shooting that ultimately led to Taylor's death and sentenced to 25 years behind bars.

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