
New CDC Guidelines Set to Begin on Tuesday; 4 New U.K. COVID-19 Variant Cases in CT

Governor Ned Lamont announced four additional cases of the coronavirus U.K. variant has been discovered in the state Monday, bringing the total to 8. The news comes on the heels of new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines set to go into effect on Tuesday.

The hope and goal behind the restrictions is to halt any new variants of the coronavirus from entering and spreading around the country.

International travelers will now need to get a COVID-19 test by three days before entering the country. Passengers will then need to show a negative test before boarding their flight. The only exception is if a passenger has medical documentation stating they've recovered from COVID-19 and are now allowed to travel.

According to two White House officials, President Joe Biden is expected to issue a travel ban for non-U.S. citizens coming from Brazil, South African, Ireland, the U.K., and 26 other countries to mitigate the spread of the new mutations of the virus.

The new travel restrictions and potential travel ban could impact the travel industry, according to some travel experts.

"Finding out about these new strains and the impact the vaccines we currently have on being effective is really going to impact the travel industry," said Dr. Jan Jones, program coordinator of hospitality and tourism with the University of New Haven. "A lot of industries are gearing up for the summer and this is just not great for trying to do that because people start to get nervous to book."

Jones also said the travel industry is still experiencing issues due to the sharp dip in airport travel throughout last year.

"The industry right now is devastated," said Jones. "Every aspect of the industry is struggling."

While the anticipation grows from those hoping to travel, Jones is asking the public to remain flexible as new information becomes available.

"I think right now we just have to be really cautious and we have to continue to keep people safe," said Jones.

AAA is encouraging the public to make their travel plans as early as possible.

"As soon as you have an idea of what you want to do, start the planning process," said Dianne Bourgoin, a spokesperson with AAA. "We also encourage travelers to use a travel advisor so they can help you understand the information that we're receiving and you're prepared for any possible trips you may take in the future."

Bourgoin also mentioned the restrictions could have lingering effects on both travelers and the industry.

"One thing we're seeing right now is a lot of people that weren't able to travel in 2020 are really looking forward to getting out there," said Bourgoin. "Right now, a lot of travelers are using this extra time to decide the right time frame for when they want to travel whether it's six months or a year."

If you plan to travel internationally, the CDC recommends getting tested one to three days before you travel, and you should check entry requirements for your destination. The agency also recommends travelers get tested three to five days after returning and encourage travelers to stay home or self-quarantine for at least seven days.

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