Thea Digiammerino

Newington Homeowner Concerned Utility Pole Needs Replacing

A Newington homeowner is concerned a utility pole outside her home is one storm away from falling down, and despite reporting it, no one has fixed it.

Lamontagne said they first noticed the pole outside their home on Robbins Avenue was leaning last summer, but it wasn’t until this winter that they became concerned about its condition.

“It blows with the breeze,” Lamontagne said.

Lamontagne and her son Evan nervously watch the slanted, swaying pole outside their house.

“It’s just a matter of when it’s going to come down and it’s going to hit my house and my vehicles and I can’t get anyone do anything about it,” Lamontagne said.

The family first reported the pole to Eversource.

“They came out, took a look at it and said you definitely do have a problem; it’s rotted at the bottom. You need a whole new pole, and it has to be done right away. However, there’s nothing we can do about it because it’s not our pole,” Lamontagne said.

She then Frontier, who told her they would send a crew. But two weeks passed, and as far as Lamontagne knows, no one showed up.

Lamontagne said she called Frontier multiple times, but the pole still wasn’t repaired. So she contacted NBC Connecticut, and we contacted Frontier.

A Frontier representative said they were not aware of the problem until we contacted them. A crew came out to do a safety check on Tuesday, and said the pole was not rotted, but it is old and top-heavy. The company plans to replace the pole next week, and said for now, the situation is safe.

“It makes me feel a little better, but at the same time, being in the house and watching it sway like that doesn’t make me feel too safe,” Lamontagne said.

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