State Officials Detail Voter Protection Laws in Connecticut

State leaders on Thursday detailed protections against voter intimidation in Connecticut.

NBC Universal, Inc.

State leaders on Thursday detailed protections against voter intimidation in Connecticut.

Secretary of the State Denise Merrill sent a memo to local election officials outlining state and federal laws that protect voters from intimidation. She said this is something never seen in Connecticut, but tensions are high and state leaders want to ensure that every voter can vote safely.

“In Connecticut, we take potential voter intimidation very seriously, and Connecticut voters deserve to know that no one will be allowed to interfere with or deny their right to cast their ballot and make their voice heard,” Merrill said. “Both Connecticut and federal law offer strong protections to voters against intimidation and every election official in Connecticut, from my office to poll workers in each town, will be vigilant in protecting our citizens to ensure that every eligible voter in Connecticut is able to safely cast their vote without intimidation.”

Officials said they want local officials to be vigiliant as Election Day approaches.

Merrill, Attorney General William Tong, and Chief State's Attorney Richard Colangelo scheduled the news conference for Thursday afternoon to discuss the various voter protections. You can watch it live above in this article when it happens.

Tong said this election is going to be fair, safe and accurate.

“Your votes will count and they will be counted,” he said.

Any registered voter in Connecticut can vote by absentee ballot this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic and more than half a million residents have requested absentee ballots, according to Merrill. She said most of them have been mailed out.

Tong urged people to make a plan to vote.

If you are voting by absentee ballot, make sure you request it, fill it out accurately and put your ballot in a ballot deposit box or in the mail it in with enough time for it to get to the registrar.

If you vote on Election Day, have a plan and vote as early as you can, Tong urged.

He added that local officials are focused on ensuring that everyone can exercise their right to vote, free of intimidation.

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