The swine flu scare has reached the House of the Holy.
It's customary to hold hands during services and shake hands and say things like "Peace be with you" after services. But not this week.
The Diocese of Bridgeport has discouraged churchgoers from holding hands during the reciting of the “Our Father” in prevention of spreading the popular virus.
The announcement to all 87 parishes in Fairfield County asked the deacons and priests to follow their instructions.
“Your pastoral judgment and pastoral approach are critical to ensuring that these temporary changes are seen as being in the best interest of the faithful, as well as ensuring that no one with special circumstances is excluded from the table,” Friday’s statement read.
The announcement also encouraged those attending mass to “share the Sign of Peace without touching hands or kissing. This can be done with meaningful eye contact, smiles, and a bow of the head in reverence to one another.”
Time to practice your body language.