Look Out Harry Potter! Video Shows Skydivers Playing Quidditch

In a promotional ad for Colombian telecom company ETB, a group of professional skydivers made a unique jump to reenact the broomstick-based game

Harry Potter fans will be mesmerized by the latest viral video that brings to life the wizarding world's favorite sport: Quidditch.

In a promotional ad for Colombian telecom company ETB, a group of professional skydivers made a unique jump to reenact the broomstick-based game that has gained a following since it appeared in author J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series.

In the video, divers hold onto broomsticks while throwing a ball into a ring, all while falling thousands of feet.

The ad has gone viral, with nearly a half-million views on YouTube. The video is meant to advertise a YouTube deal with the telecommunications company, though understandably the action on screen is getting all the attention.

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