Claws Come Out in Dems Race for Gov.

The battle for the Democratic nomination for governor is getting ugly.

Businessman Ned Lamont's campaign has gone on the offensive, demanding his rival, Dan Malloy, take down what the campaign calls misleading television ads.

Citing a report in the Hartford Courant, Lamont's campaign said Malloy's claim that he created 5,000 jobs while mayor of Stamford is wrong. "Despite the claims Dan makes in his TV ad, the city of Stamford lost 13,000 jobs during his tenure as mayor," Lamont campaign manager Joe Abbey said.

Malloy was quick to counter. "My record on jobs and economic development is crystal clear: during my time as Mayor, Stamford added nearly 5,000 new jobs. That's an indisputable fact," Malloy said.

Malloy was quick to attack Lamont's record as well. "In his time as CEO Ned laid off most of his workforce, while paying himself hundreds of thousands of dollars," Malloy said.

Lamont's campaign had not responded to Malloy's claim.

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