New Haven

Yale program teaches women how to run election campaigns 

NBC Universal, Inc.

Women continue to win more seats in elected office, but all over the country, they still don’t hold half those seats.  

Yale University’s Campaign School is looking to change that with a weeklong boot camp for women interesting in running for office. 

“You will be able to handle, to face anything that comes your way on the campaign trail,” said Patti Russo, executive director of the campaign school.  

Yale selected 68 people for the class. It’s open to women from around the country and from all political parties, as well as to men looking to help women succeed in politics.  

Lessons include delivering a message, utilizing data and fundraising.  

“Women are conditioned to not talk about money, we think that money is impolite,” said Aubrey Montgomery, a board member at the campaign school.  

Yale wouldn’t say how many women applied for the program, but it did say it gave preference to women who’ve shown an interest in politics.  

Ayana Taylor is a member of Windsor’s Board of Education and is looking to run for the 2nd State Senate District. She said the program is helping her understand how to run for office. “I always felt like I could do more and the opportunity came to me,” Taylor said.  

Others, like Mayor Nuchette Black-Burke, (D), wanted to finetune their skills after winning. “We're not born with it, we’re taught, we’re trained and here at the campaign school I'm hoping to continue that,” Black-Burke said.  

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