Manchester Asks Residents to Conserve as Water Level Drops

Manchester residents are being asked to conserve water as levels drop because of the lack of rain.
Manchester’s reservoirs have dropped to 80 percent of their capacity because of the lack of rain, according to a message the town of Manchester sent to residents on Friday.

Residents are asked to take shorter showers; run dishwashers and washing machines only when they are full; shut off water while washing hands, shaving and brushing teeth; and water of lawns and gardens sparingly. 

Residents are also asked to avoid power washing, cut down on washing your car and refilling your swimming pool and replace leaky plumbing fixtures be repaired or replaced with low-flow devices.

The water department will be monitoring the reservoirs and lift the alert once the reservoir capacities return to normal. .

If the condition worsens, Manchester might need to implement a drought contingency plan, which could include mandatory use restrictions so there is enough water available for normal consumption and fire protection.

For more information, call 647-3115 or visit the town’s website


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