Sacred Heart University

Sacred Heart Quarantines Entire Dorm After 9 Students Test Positive for COVID-19

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Sacred Heart University in Fairfield is quarantining an entire dorm after nine students tested positive for COVID-19.

The university expanded its quarantine of Merton Hall to the entire dorm after additional positive cases were identified on a separate floor from the initial student who tested positive, according to a university spokesperson.

The university said the number of positive cases went up after getting some test results back from the two floors where there was previously cases. The remainder of the COVID-19 test results are expected to come back from these two floors over the weekend.

There are currently 75 people hospitalized due to COVID-19, a number we have not seen since July.

All students in Merton Hall are being asked to stay in their rooms except for going outside to pick up grab-n-go meals and snacks, the university said.

A Sacred Heart spokesperson said the university will make a decision about reopening the residence hall after receiving the COVID-19 test results.

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