Throughout this challenging year, NBC Connecticut has received more than 1,200 of your voicemail messages letting us know What’s On Your Mind? As 2020 comes to a close, you are sharing your perspectives – and your voices – to express how this year has changed you.
What's On Your Mind? Call us at (860) 880-2844
There has been so much that has been lost in just this small stretch of time. It has been a difficult year, and amid the pain, perspectives and priorities have shifted. But you said you have also found signs of hope. There is also much determination to just keep moving forward to a better year ahead.
Here is some of what you wanted to share.

On top of the COVID, I had lung cancer and that was very difficult. So, it changed me. 2020 changed me. I think it’s changed all of us. And I hope it’s changed all of us for the better and helped us all be better people, and more caring and kind people.
Olivia, Torrington
2020 has been the most horrific year in my entire lifetime. And then the death of my mother almost felt like half of me had died when she died. I have only one saving grace and that’s my faith.
Susan, Bristol

I live alone and isolation has really, really, really got to me. That’s all I can say.
John, Wethersfield

My wife and I are expecting. That’s what happened in 2020 this year. We’re due in June of 2021.
Keith, East Windsor
I’m so blessed at 78 to be still in the land of the living. So, I’m going to take it all in and enjoy it and hoping maybe next Christmas that I’ll still be around.
Mary, New London
What's On Your Mind? Call us at (860) 880-2844 and let know how 2020 has changed you.
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