The show will go on at the 9th Note in New Haven Wednesday night, even after the jazz restaurant was served its fourth eviction notice since Nov. 1.
Owner Christian O'Dowd said the notices cite noise complaints.
“Prior to Nov. 1, I was told by the property management that there were no noise complaints at all, then all of sudden, the police are here every single night. The health department was coming down and doing random meter readings outside. We passed every one,” said O’Dowd.
The eviction notice also alleges the establishment failed to pay rent, a claim O'Dowd disputes.
“I paid the rent. They mailed the check back to me uncashed, and then the next day I got served an eviction notice for non-payment,” he said.
O'Dowd admitted he was late paying some of the rent but said he was trying to work it out with property management. He said he had planned to pay two months in December before he was served with another eviction notice.
The restaurant owner said he thinks something else must be behind the evictions.
“There were four restaurants here before us that failed. And Friday and Saturday of last week, we didn't have a seat open in this place," O'Dowd said. "We're bringing in world-class talent – tonight, the Steve Davis Quintet.”
Fashion designer Neville Wisdom has a shop across the street and frequents 9th Note. He said O'Dowd has put a lot of work into the place, and it would be a major disappointment to see him go.
“It's really become a place where you can really go sit down, have a decent meal – a really good [meal] as a matter of fact – and watch jazz,” said Wisdom.
The restaurant's property manager, The Related Companies, it was looking into the eviction.