UConn Buses to Speak to Students

The system speaks when the bus turns and warns drivers to look both ways.

When a shuttle bus approaches on UConn’s campus in Storrs, it will speak to pedestrians nearby and warn them.

“Safe Turn Alert” was installed on the buses and went into effect on Monday.

Through “Safe Turn Alert,” a voice alerts pedestrians when a bus is turning and reminds the bus drivers to look both ways before turning, according to the manufacturer.

“While some may find it annoying and others may see humor in it, we are confident that it is a very useful tool that will serve its purpose and the pedestrians at UConn well,” Janet Freniere, manager of transportation services for UConn, said.

The purpose of the product is to increase safety for pedestrians by helping to prevent bus crashes., according to Protran.

“I think it is extremely important that university campuses take the lead in utilizing education and technology to its fullest when it comes to heightening awareness of pedestrians and bicyclists to safety issues around them,” William Wendt, director of transportation, logistics and parking services at UConn, said.

A 20-year-old UConn pre-med student was killed in 2011 when he was hit by a shuttle bus.

David Plamondon, of Westminster, Massachusetts, crossing Alumni and Hillside Roads on the Storrs campus on March 22, 2011 when he was struck.

Lukasz Gilewski, another UConn student, was driving the bus at the time, officials said.

Gilewski pleaded no contest. Judge Elliot Solomon approved completely suspending the sentence with two years of probation for Gilewski with mandatory driver retraining and 100 hours a year of community service for the two years.

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