Bristol's Reservoir Levels Fall to 42 Percent

Water department says customers' conservation has helped

Bristol's water department superintendent says the city's reservoir levels have dropped to 42 percent.

The lack of rain continues to make the situation worse, though a mandatory water restriction issued last month has slowed the drop in reservoir levels.

"We have seen over 30 percent conservation since we first issued voluntary restrictions in late August," said Robert Longo, superintendent of the Bristol Water Department.

"Our customers have helped so much by conserving, but without some rain, we just continue to drop."

Bristol Reservoir Number Seven, as seen from a hiking trail on Sunday, November 13, 2016.

There's a good chance for at least a half inch of rain Tuesday, and that will help slow the drop in water supply. But it won't erase the drought.

Less than four weeks have past since the Bristol reservoir levels dropped to 50 percent.

Since January 1, 2015, the rainfall deficit in the Hartford area sits at 19.98 inches.

The latest drought monitor, released last Thursday, has central and western Connecticut in a severe drought.

"We need Mother Nature's help now," Longo said.

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