New Haven

Dog, Cat Perish, 19 Displaced in Pair of New Haven Fires

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Officials are looking into what sparked two different house fires in the Elm City Saturday.

The first fire broke out around 3 in the morning on the 50 block of Ann Street.

In that fire, New Haven Fire officials said it was reported to them that there was a fire in the basement.

Crews encountered heavy fire and smoke when they arrived at the residence. Fighting the fire became a challenge because of the amount of smoke from the fire that had filled the street.

It took about an hour to get the flames under control. No one was injured.

A total of two residents will have to look for other means of permanent shelter as a result of the fire.

About ten hours later, firefighters responded to another fire, this time on Lombard Street.

According to New Haven Fire officials, crews arrived at the residence to find heavy fire emitting from the eves of the building.

Unfortunately, a dog and cat died as a result of the fire. No one else was injured.

Two families, totaling out to seventeen people, have been displaced.

While the cause of the fire is under investigation, officials said the fire is believed to have originated on the third floor/in the attic.

Firefighters signaled for a second alarm at both fires, meaning additional man power needed to be brought to the scene.

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