Hartford Police Athletic League Gives Kids a Place to Spend Summer Days

It’s an up-close crime scene whose detectives are part of a program to help steer them away from the violence within their city.

“We think it’s important that they have role models to look up to,” Peter Getz, vice-president of the Hartford Police Athletic League said.

Some 200 kids from the Hartford Police Athletic League topped off their five-week summer camp at the Aetna PAL Day Friday. The camp is now in its fifth year, showing these kids positive ways to spend their summer days.

“There is a lot of downtime, the kids minds start to wonder, they get to wonder and there’s some perils out there in the streets that just lure the kids in and they think that maybe it’s a better way of life they think it’s a better way to do something,” Getz said.

Even Justice Williams knows the challenges, but through the help of the law enforcement leaders has learned to walk away.

“Sometimes I just ignore them and don’t talk to them and don’t be their friend anymore because they may be a bad influence,” Williams said.

“Learn new things and take your time with stuff, listen to other people when they’re talking,” Tanaro Edwards said.

These life lessons making waves among these youth and helping them recognize their worth.

“There are some tremendous athletes in the city. There’s people that are so educated they are such good kids and we just have to explore that and we just have to get that out of them,” Getz said.

The Police Athletic League also works with more than 100 kids a day for its after school program during the school year.

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