Hurricane Gert Will Lead to Dangerous Rip Currents at RI Beaches

Hurricane Gert is leading to high surf advisories and strong rip currents for coastal areas of Rhode Island, Long Island, and Cape Cod. 

Buoys off the coast of Block Island measured powerful swells of 8.5 feet this morning. 

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">7 foot swells with a 12 second period at the Block Island buoy now. Those are very powerful waves thanks to Gert. <a href="">#nbcct</a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Ryan Hanrahan (@ryanhanrahan) <a href="">August 16, 2017</a></blockquotethis morning - and still rising. These large waves and strong rip currents can be seen as close by as Misquamicut State Beach in Westerly, Rhode Island.

At Blue Shutters Beach in Charlestown, Rhode Island lifeguards closed the beach to swimming around 10 a.m. as swells began to build. 

Rip currents are currents of water that flow from the beach to the surf zone and can rapidly pull a swimmer out to sea. 

If you are ever stuck in a rip current make sure to swim parrellel to the beach until you're eventually out of the current. 

A High Surf Advisory is in effect for parts of Rhode Island and Massachusetts until 8 p.m. Wednesday. 

Weather Alerts 2 (1)
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