
People Finding Ways to Fight Cabin Fever

Golf courses, parks and picnic areas provide relief for families seeking recreation with limited options available

NBC Universal, Inc.

With large mall areas, movie theaters, bowling alleys and amusement parks set to close by 8 p.m. Thursday, recreational options are starting to disappear.

That’s especially concerning for those already suffering from cabin fever. So what are people doing to combat boredom?

Golf is one option. At Rolling Hills Golf course in Ellington, it wasn’t hard to find people making the most of a difficult situation. Around this area we found people getting out of the house, enjoying the sunshine while maintaining some social distancing.

“Everything’s closed so we have to do something, we’re going stir crazy,” said Mary Ann Pelligrinelli, a teacher who headed to the golf course for the first time this year.

With many other recreational areas already closed, finding ways to stay active has become challenging, especially for mothers with kids home from school.

“It’s sort of like summer has started a little early for me,” said Amy Morawiec, a South Windsor mother of three.

Morawiec was one of many who headed to Valley Falls Park in Vernon Wednesday. It was a spot where families could go while maintaining social distance.

“School is canceled and we’re just trying to make the most of the weather today,” said Ashley Bishopric, who spent the day picnicking with her two children.

Perhaps a silver lining in a difficult time, mothers and children bonding while enjoying a day at the park.

“We’ve had time to do things that we might not normally be able to do like going for midday walks and playing games and that kind of thing,” explained Sara Mullins, who took her three children on a hike at Valley Falls today.

It’s not just families, it’s their pets too. Running and playing at a dog park in Enfield, dogs and kids were playing together providing a needed physical activity for both.

“Yesterday we were at the park playing basketball. Today we all took the dogs for a walk and I went for a run,” said Moe Ogums who took her dog, nephew and son all to the park today.

Finding a balance between safety and stimulation for their kids is challenging under today’s circumstances. For Ogums though, it is important.

“When they’re in school they’re outside in gym and they have recess, so trying to stimulate that kind of same routine at home is huge and important for kids growing,” she said.

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