The state needs help after the plan to cut employees was too successful.
The hiring freeze Gov. M. Jodi Rell ordered last year for the State of Connecticut remains in effect but the governor says she will begin a new class of correctional officers.
The reason?
More than 425 Department of Correction employees, more than any other agency in the state, are taking part in the state's retirement incentive program.
"I have always said that we must make exceptions for positions that are critical to public safety and public health -- and correction officers do some of the most difficult and dangerous jobs in the state," Rell said.
The new class will be drawn from applicants who have already passed a screening process. The group is scheduled to begin training on Aug. 14. The class will consist of 125 correctional officers and 10 other positions.
"This new class of correction officers is absolutely necessary” Rell said.
The recruits will attend a 10-week course where they will learn Department of Correction policies and procedures and get more than 100 hours of on-the-job training.