
Stores Open Early for Last Minute Christmas Shopping

If you love the anxiety of a shopping deadline, there are just three frantic days left until Christmas, and Clinton Crossing Premium Outlets is one of several shopping destinations that opened its doors early on Saturday for the last minute rush.

“I love it,” Sabrina Thompson of Middletown said. “Yeah, before the crowds come in and I have ideas of what I want to get, so I’m just going to go on a mission.”

“We just decided first thing in the morning you can get everything done,” Madeline Smith, also from Middletown said. “No problems.”

If you love the anxiety of a shopping deadline, there are just three frantic days left until Christmas, and Clinton Crossing Premium Outlets is one of several shopping destinations that opened its doors early on Saturday for the last minute rush.

According to the National Retail Federation, about 130 million people will be out on Saturday shopping, almost as many shoppers as all of Black Friday weekend. People said they usually don’t wait until this long to finish their shopping.

“I like to shop earlier, but between work and everything, it caught up to me,” Thompson said.

“Crowds kind of a get a little crazy and it’s just quick to get in and get out and do your things and get home because that’s what Christmas is all about, being home with your family,” Heather Hitchman said.

Clinton Crossing Premium Outlets will be open on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Sunday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Christmas Eve from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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