High school students who spent the summer designing smartphone apps for the city of Hartford unveiled their work today at Trinity College.
The program hosted 20 students from around the state who came together to develop six city apps, including a tour of the Hartford area, a library rewards program, an overview of City Hall and apps for Hartford Youth Services and the RiseUP Leadership Development Program.
“Our cities are becoming smarter and more digital, so it’s very important that we have students trained in this area,” said Hartford Mayor Pedro Segarra, who was in the audience to see the apps rolled out.
While the six-week internship program focused on the world of technology, students say they also gained real-world experience, including “how to manage yourself in a professional atmosphere,” according to student app creator Greidy Montalvo.
Teacher Rachel Martinich said she hopes the program will continue to benefit students down the road.
“I think this Apps for Hartford program is a really good opportunity for students to ease into computer coding and also ease into the work force,” she explained.