
Towns Postpone, Cancel St. Patrick's Day Parades Amid Concerns About Coronavirus

New haven st patricks day parade
NBC Connecticut

Several cities and towns have decided to cancel or postpone their St. Patrick’s Day parade amid concerns about coronavirus.

Danbury St. Patrick's Day Parade

Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton posted on Facebook Tuesday that the parade and flag raising have been canceled.

Hartford St. Patrick's Day Parade

On Tuesday, Hartford officials announced that the St. Patrick’s Day parade, which was scheduled for Saturday, will not happen. Instead, city officials will work with organizers to determine whether the parade or another celebration of Irish culture can be rescheduled for later this year.

On Monday, the mayor’s office in New Haven announced that all gatherings of more than 100 people will be postponed until further notice in response to the growing spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in the U.S.

Milford St. Patrick’s Day Parade

The 2020 Milford St. Patrick's Day Parade has been canceled.

“Given Governor Ned Lamont’s declared state of public health emergency and with the closure of a private school in Milford due to a possible case of COVID-19, we have decided to cancel the 2020 parade. This decision is being made out of an abundance of caution and with extensive input from local, state, and federal public health officials. This decision will help to ensure that we keep our residents and guests safe and healthy. While this is not the outcome we would have preferred, we look forward to working with all our partners for a successful parade in 2021,” Marty Hardiman, chairman of the Milford St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee, said in a statement.

Greater New Haven St. Patrick's Day Parade

New Haven’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which was scheduled for Sunday, draws thousands to the city. New Haven has been hosting this parade since the mid-1950s and it is one of the oldest in the nation.

New London St. Patrick's Day Parade

Officials in Ne London made the decision to postpone their parade, which was scheduled for Sunday, on Tuesday.

"New London’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade has become quite popular over the past few years and is enjoyed and warmly supported by the New London community.  However, with the current uncertainty of the spread of this virus, health and community leaders have assessed that the risks of community spread and significant toll it could have on the region and public safety-first responders, it is a prudent decision to postpone the parade," a notice from Mayor Michael Passero's office reads.

New London St. Patrick's Day Parade

The parade in New London was scheduled for Sunday, March 15 at 1 p.m. The mayor announced that the parade will be postponed, but no new date has been scheduled.

"New London’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade has become quite popular over the past few years and is enjoyed and warmly supported by the New London community.  However, with the current uncertainty of the spread of this virus, health and community leaders have assessed that the risks of community spread and significant toll it could have on the region and public safety-first responders, it is a prudent decision to postpone the parade," Mayor Michael Passero said in a statement.

Norwalk St. Patrick's Day Parade

On Tuesday Norwalk Mayor Harry Rilling announced the cancellation of the Norwalk St. Patrick's Day Parade, which was scheduled for Saturday.

“The St. Patrick’s Day Parade is a wonderful Norwalk event and is something our community looks forward to each year. Unfortunately, it cannot move forward this weekend. With multiple parades being canceled in the area, the expected attendance at our parade has certainly increased. While the current risk in Norwalk is low, we must consider the health of first responders, residents, and visitors who staff, attend and march in the parade. Our top priority is keeping everyone safe and healthy and preventing potential community spread. While it’s certainly disappointing to cancel this event, it is the prudent decision given the uncertainty around COVID-19 and how quickly the situation can change. I wish everyone a safe, healthy, and enjoyable St. Patrick’s Day Weekend," he wrote in a statement.

O’Shenanigans 5K

The Hartford Marathon Foundation is altering plans for the O’Shenanigans 5K, which is scheduled for Saturday. The race is changing to a rolling start time to limit the number of people in the start area each time, the course will change to an out-and-back course along the multi-use trail and there will be no post-race party or on-site food and beer service. Learn more here.

Coronavirus Symptoms

The key symptoms of the coronavirus, according to the CDC are:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath

Symptoms can appear in infected persons two to 14 days after exposure.

Coronavirus Prevention Steps

Steps for prevention from the CDC include:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when around others
    • You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick.
    • Everyone should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public, such as to the grocery store
    • Coverings should not be placed on children under 2, anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.
    • The face cover is meant to protect other people in case you are infected
    • Do NOT use a facemask meant for a health care worker
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
    • If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.

Steps to Self-Monitor for Coronavirus

Steps to self-monitor from the CDC include:

  1. Take your temperature with a thermometer two times a day and monitor for fever. Also watch for cough or trouble breathing.
  2. Do not take public transportation, taxis, or ride-shares during the time you are practicing social distancing.
  3. Avoid crowded places (such as shopping centers and movie theaters) and limit your activities in public.
  4. Keep your distance from others (about 6 feet or 2 meters).

If you do get sick with a fever, cough or have trouble breathing, call ahead before you go to a doctor’s office or emergency room and communicate with your doctor about your recent travel.

  • If you develop symptoms, stay home and avoid contact with others. Do not go to work or school for this 14-day period. Discuss your work situation with your employer before returning to work.

The CDC has a special website set up with details about the coronavirus, including how it spreads and treatment.

Anyone with questions relating to coronavirus can call 2-1-1 or text "CTCOVID" to 898211. The 2-1-1 hotline is available 24 hours a day.

You can also visit the state's coronavirus information website here. Residents are encouraged to check the website for answers to questions before calling the hotline.

Learn More About Coronavirus - COVID-19

Learn more here from the state about Coronavirus.

The key symptoms of the coronavirus, according to the CDC are:

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