Tree limbs fall on top of cars in Fairfield and Southbury due to high winds

Fairfield Fire

Minor injuries were reported after tree limbs fell on top of cars in two separate incidents across the state on Friday.

Two people were left with minor injuries when high winds caused a tree to crash down onto their vehicle while driving on the Merritt Parkway.

The accident occurred between exits 46 and 44 southbound in Fairfield. Firefighters say a pine tree on the south side of the road snapped at its base and struck the car, causing it to roll over.

The driver and a passenger were transported to the hospital with minor injuries.

A separate incident happened on Strongtown Road in Southbury. A tree limb fell onto a truck and shattered its front windshield.

It happened at 3 p.m. in the area of Vista View Drive. Police said the driver was able to get themselves out of the car on their own, and they were ultimately taken to the hospital with minor injuries.

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