Eversource is working to restore power to Connecticut polling places before the primary on Tuesday.
As of 10 a.m. Monday morning, seven polling places remain without power.
Officials from the Secretary of the State's Office said Union all town halls have connectivity except in Union, Sterling, Plainfield, Colebrook, Colchester, Ashford and Salem. They said Frontier is physically at all locations, getting connectivity restored.
The seven polling places without power are all are on generators, and officials from the governor's office said they told Eversource it is critical hat power is restored as soon as possible.
Governor Ned Lamont announced that voters will now be able to mail absentee ballots to be received by the town clerk on Thursday, August 13 as long as they are postmarked by Tuesday, August 11. Lamont said he authorized this change in deadline at the request of Secretary of the State Denise Merrill to make sure everyone could vote with the power outages.
“The statewide power outages and connectivity issues caused by Tropical Storm Isaiah have resulted in disruption to mail delivery and election offices across the state," Merrill said in a statement. "This executive order would respond to postal delays caused by the storm to make sure every vote is counted. Voters who cast their ballot on time, and had it postmarked by Election Day, should have their vote counted and shouldn't be disenfranchised by delays in power outages, mail delivery, or historic storms."
As of noon on Sunday, 75 of the 748 polling places still needed power restored following Tropical Storm Isaias, according to the Office of the Secretary of the State.
Eversource said Sunday that 27 remaining polling places did not have power and it would be restored by the end of the day Sunday.
The Office of the Secretary of the State says there is a member of their working group in the meetings of the multi-agency task force that includes the Chair of the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority and all utilities. The office says they have asked utilities to prioritize power and connectivity to town halls.
"Nothing is more important than ensuring that every Connecticut voter is able to cast their ballot in the manner of their choosing. In Connecticut, voting goes on - in the face of the October Snowstorm, Hurricane Sandy, and now Tropical Storm Isaias, polls are open on Election Day and voters will be able to cast their ballots," Secretary of State Denise Merrill said.
"Voters with absentee ballots are encouraged to deliver them to the secure ballot drop boxes in front of each town hall," she continued.