the bushnell

The Bushnell Event Canceled After Cast Members Test Positive For Covid-19

NBC Connecticut

An event at The Bushnell was canceled just minutes before showtime after cast members tested positive for Covid-19, according to a spokesperson.

Associate Vice President Stephanie Fried said there were positive tests among members of the show, but the exact number is unknown at this time.

The show "Hip Hop Nutcracker" was supposed to start at 7:30 p.m. in Hartford. Eventgoers were notified that the show was canceled not even a half hour before the show was supposed to start.

Fried said eventgoers were notified as soon as possible - the positive Covid-19 results came in moments before officials decided to cancel the show.

Crew members get Covid tested daily, according to Fried.

The show was canceled "out of an abundance of caution," she said.

The Bushnell said they will refund all tickets. Credit card transactions will automatically be refunded while cash and check transactions will need to be refunded through the box office.

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