Beluga Whale Undergoing Treatment at Mystic Aquarium Has Died

Mystic Aquarium Mystic CT
Mystic Aquarium

A beluga whale at the Mystic Aquarium that has been undergoing care treatment died Friday morning. 

According to the aquarium, the beluga, a female, was receiving 24/7 intensive care at the Aquatic Animal Study Center over the past several months for related health issues.

"Our team provided a continuum of world-class care to this whale for many months." Chief Zoological Officer Allison Tuttle said in a press release.

"When an animal passes in the wild, it is the circle of life. When it happens at an aquarium, with an animal you have grown to know, care for 24/7 and adore, it is devastating.”

The whale was one of the five belugas that were transported from MarineLand in Canada in May of 2021 under a research permit. 

Another beluga whale also transported from Canada died last August, due to a preexisting medical issue.

There are currently six other whales under care at the aquarium, one of which is also in the intensive care unit.

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