
Connecticut banking officials issue alert regarding recent text scams

The state Department of Banking is warning people to be on the lookout for a text scam that urges you to call your bank's fraud department, but really, it's scammers.

State banking officials say several customers have reported being the target of a text scam that leads you to believe your account is being hacked. But in reality, the scam is the text you're receiving, which directs you to call your "bank" and provide information that is later used to access your account information.

According to officials, the scammers call the customer posing as customer support reporting suspicious activity. They read off transactions and mix in fraudulent suspicious purchases to make the call seem legit.

The Department of Banking said some customers are told to leave their compromised card in their mailbox for a courier to collect, but the "courier" takes the card and allegedly withdraws funds from an ATM.

Scammers are reportedly selling customer data to local groups that use the information. Officials said that in the past, that information has been used to make out-of-area purchases that would ultimately be flagged and denied.

The department said, "The new pattern is that individuals are using the information for local purchases that are more difficult to detect."

Officials say it's important to remember that your bank will never call or send you a text requesting your personal financial information. This includes your social security numbers, credit card numbers, PINs and passwords.

You should also be on the lookout for red flags including being told there are issues with your account and requesting immediate action. The Department of Banking says you should never call the number provided or click a link from someone you don't know.

"The key is to verify that the person or entity that contacted you is in fact the legitimate source.  When it comes to your personal financial information, there is never a reason to act under pressure based on an unsolicited text or telephone call. Always make sure the person you are speaking with is in fact a representative of your financial institution, and if you cannot verify that, contact your bank or credit union independently and arrange to meet in person," the department said.

For more information or to report a scam, you can contact the Department of Banking by calling 1-800-831-7225 or visiting their website.

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