Between a long winter and April showers, summer weather suitable for visiting Connecticut's state parks couldn't come fast enough.
With summer and the 100th anniversary of Connecticut's park system in mind, the state's Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) announced Thursday that Connecticut's first State Parks Appreciation Day is scheduled for later this month. DEEP invites volunteers to help prepare more than 20 state parks in Connecticut for the summer season.
“State Park Appreciation Day is the perfect opportunity to show your support for our state parks as we celebrate the Centennial of the park system,” DEEP Commissioner Robert Klee said in a press release. “On State Parks Appreciation Day volunteers will have the opportunity to roll up their sleeves and help our park staff with everything from painting, gardening, and landscaping to trail maintenance and general cleanup.”
Connecticut's park system, which originated in 1913-14, has grown to include 107 parks frequented for outdoor activities like hiking, picnicking, boating, camping and environmental education programs, according to DEEP.
DEEP has partnered with Friends of Connecticut State Parks groups supporting parks across the state to organize State Parks Appreciation Day events.
"These organizations share our commitment to making certain our parks are ready for the opening of the summer season and provide a first-rate outdoor recreation experience for all visitors," Klee said.
DEEP's Appreciation Day website includes a complete list of Connecticut's state parks as well as information on how to sign up to volunteer. More information on Connecticut's state parks and the Centennial is also available here.