It’s about to get tougher for prostitutes to connect with clients through a popular Web site, unless they want to identify themselves and provide some personal information.
People who do want to post advertisements for erotic services will be required to use credit cards and phone numbers, which will be verified, Blumenthal said. Police will be able to subpoena the information.
CT’s Attorney General, Richard Blumenthal and Jim Buckmaster, CEO of Craigslist reached the agreement to discourage prostitutes from using the site to find johns. It reaches 40 states.
Forty million Americans visit Craigslist each month, according to information provided at a news conference Thursday.
The problem has occurred locally: Police have arrested several people in Connecticut who were accused of using the site to find customers looking for sex.
Buckmaster said he is confident this agreement will make Craigslist "very inhospitable" for illegal activities.
Craigslist has agreed to consider blocks and filters and has agreed to sue 14 companies that have circumvented its safeguards.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children also participated in the agreement.