
Hamden looking to improve trail infrastructure with flashing beacons

NBC Universal, Inc.

There are developing plans to improve the infrastructure around the Farmington Canal in Hamden.

Hamden Mayor Lauren Garrett said the need for updated infrastructure was further highlighted this week when a runner was hit on the trail.

A Quinnipiac University spokesperson confirmed that the runner who was hit is a graduate student at the university. The incident remains under investigation by the Hamden Police Department.

Cyclists who frequent the trail extended their sympathy to the injured runner. 

"I just wish her a quick recovery and hope she can get out and continue on the trail, it's one of my most beloved spots to come out here and ride the trail,” said cyclist Ken Talbot.

Another cyclist said she was nearly hit this morning while biking, adding that she tries to be as conscious as possible.

"I hope she gets better soon, that's really scary,” said cyclist Sarah Helberg. 

In efforts to address safety on the trail, Garrett said the town has plans to place flashing signs at trail crossings. 

“We have some flashing, rapid flashing beacons that we are installing on the four southernmost crossings on the Farmington canal in Hamden,” Garrett said. 

However, because the Connecticut Department of Transportation is responsible for their installation, Garrett noted that it will be some time before the signs are up and running.

“I think we’re constructing next year for the southernmost crossings and then we’ll be able to begin the design phase next year for the northernmost crossings," she said.

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