MDC Proposes Discount for Large Volume Users

NBCUniversal, Inc.

A debate over water rates is happening on Monday.

The Metropolitan District Commission is facing pushback to proposed discounts for those who use large volumes of water.

On January 1, everyone started paying more for water from MDC after the company raised rates for customers in all eight municipalities they serve.

They said the reason is because people are using less water and they're making less money. They have to pay for a $2 billion state and federally mandated clean water project.

Now, The MDC is considering giving a discount to customers that do use a lot of water.

Only Niagara Bottling in Bloomfield, a company that sells the water and makes a profit from it, would be getting the discount, according to The Hartford Courant. If approved, the company would get a discount of 79 cents per 100 cubic feet, if they use more than 600,000 gallons of water a day.

It's been upsetting to people in the past, like in 2018, when people protested the discount.

"I don't think there should be a discount. In fact, why shouldn't there be a premium if it's a for-profit company that's coming in to use volumes of water?" Mary Rydingsward, of Bristol said at the time.

"Niagara Bottling, LLC is not the initiator of this proposed rate change. The company is a customer of the MDC, but has no insight into this new proposed rate discussion or any other discussions that may be happening between the utility and future potential customers." the company said in a statement. "We look forward to discussing the matter further with the MDC."

The MDC’s meeting is on Monday at 3:45 p.m. at 555 Main Street in Hartford.

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