
Southington Elementary Teachers Hold Driving ‘Parade' on First Day of Distance Learning

NBC Universal, Inc.

Connecticut students, teachers and parents are adjusting to Gov. Ned Lamont’s announcement that schools will stay closed until at least April 20 to stop the spread of coronavirus here in our state.

In Southington, elementary teachers are trying to make the best of this trying time for everyone.

The principal of Thalberg Elementary in Southington said teachers of young, elementary school students are so used to face- to- face learning that virtual teaching is something completely new, but they're taking it in stride.

Some Teachers in Southington created a caravan to mark the beginning of distance leaning. Students have been home because of the coronavirus.

In that spirit, a teacher came up with an idea to show students they're still there for them -- at a social distance of course.

It's not what Victoria Ventresca, a fifth grader, imagined.

"I know all my friends. We've been texting and stuff and we all miss our teachers very much," she said.

With school closed for more than a week now, she misses seeing her teachers and boy do they miss students like her.

"This is your life. This is your second family, so it's hard not being with everyone," Sabina Skarzynski, a math specialist, said.

Instead of pulling into their parking spots for a day of teaching at Thalberg Elementary School on Tuesday morning, teachers created a caravan and began their first day of virtual teaching , not in a classroom, but inside their cars.

"We're going to do our best not to miss anybody. We'll see what happens," Katie Reeves, the principal of Thalberg Elementary school, said.

They took p art i a parade of sorts around Southington with the hopes of catching a wave or a smile from their students.

The elementary students initially went home with school work, but today they'll work with their teachers, but from afar.

"We're just trying to find a positive way to get it out there to support each other and just let the students know we're here. Even if we have to be behind a computer, we're here for them," Skarzynski said

Kayo Klatt, a second grader, said she was happy to see her teacher and she misses school.

Brian Klatt 08:18:52 Dad: Do you miss school? Daughter: yeah.

"It's very different, you know we're doing what we can, you know, the teachers have been sending out instructions and the various workloads for the different students, but it's tough," her dad, Brian Klatt, said.

Southington teachers hope the parade also had an impact on parents too. and that they are driving home the message that with a positive mind set, a community can come together to overcome obstacles.

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