New Haven

Student Who Got Sick at Model UN Event at Yale Tests Negative for Coronavirus: Mayor's Office

NBC Connecticut

A student from China who became ill while at the Yale Model United Nations conference has tested negative for coronavirus, according to New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker.

“We have just received information from the State Department of Public Health that the student participating in the Yale Model United Nations program has tested negative for coronavirus after lab testing with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention,” Elicker said in a statement.

The four-day Yale Model United Nations conference draws about 1,800 high school students from 40 countries around the world and it was shut down a day early over concerns about the coronavirus after the student from China fell ill, a Yale spokeswoman said Sunday.

The ill student had a cough and a fever and was taken to Yale New Haven Hospital and tested positive for influenza, Yale Health Director Dr. Paul Geneci said in a statement.

“As a reminder, this is the flu season, and we all need to take preventative measures to reduce the spread of germs and respiratory virus. Our Health Department will continue to stay in communication with the State Department of Public Health regarding the coronavirus,” Elicker said in a statement.

Influenza Widespread in Connecticut

Influenza activity in Connecticut is widespread.

As of Jan. 26, there have been 23 influenza-related deaths in Connecticut this season and 1,036 flu-related hospitalizations.

The state Department of Health has received more than 4,800 positive flu tests this flu season.

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