
Westport Police Investigate Disappearance of Lawn Signs and Letter from ‘The Committee'

Westport police are investigating the disappearance of several lawn signs and a mysterious message that one nonprofit organization received. 

Police said local nonprofit organizations over the past few weeks have reported several lawn signs have disappeared. The signs were displayed on private property or were authorized to be placed on public property. 

According to police, a group calling itself “The Committee” wrote to at least one local nonprofit organization that that if it didn’t remove lawn signs, “The Committee” would take down their signs “at first sight.” 

Police have not identified any person or people behind “The Committee,” but they are investigating. 

Police urge residents not to remove signs that do not belong to them and said unauthorized removal of signs from public or private property might constitute theft and entering private property to remove signs might constitute trespassing, which could lead to arrest. 

Charities that have had signs removed are encouraged to file a formal police report. 

Police said signs advertising charitable events must be reviewed and approved by the town before the signs can be placed on town property or in the town right-of-way.

Anyone with information about the recent rash of missing signs is asked to call the Westport Police Department at (203) 341-6000. 

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