
Hartford Schools Working to Reach 1,500 Students Who Are Not Distance Learning: Superintendent

NBC Connecticut

At least 1,500 students in the Hartford Public Schools district that have not started distance learning at all, said Superintendent .Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez.

The district will be launching a group of 25 providers and partners who will work to identify those students and how to reach them, Torres-Rodriguez said. The group will also be available to assist any parents with troubleshooting distance learning.

The schools will be setting up four locations to continue to distribute learning devices in each of the school district's zones. Those pick up locations will be operating by appointment only.

Hartford schools are also looking at offering an expanded summer program this year, the superintendent said.

"Our students are potentially going to be behind whether or not we offer a summer program," she said.

The district has distributed 380,000 meals so far to students.

The school system will be launching a telemedicine program where students can call in and be virtually connected with a healthcare provider, according to the superintendent. The program will be available for all students regardless of insurance status.

Bronin reiterated that residents are urged to wear a mask, specifically a face covering.

"Please wear a mask," he said.

The mayor said he expects it to be a requirement statewide soon by executive order of the governor and he said he supports that.

"Let's just make it habit for a while," Bronin said. The mayor said it will be necessary for a while, even as the state reopens.

Schools in Hartford have been closed since March 13. Teachers have been tasked with continuing to educate their students while the students are at home.

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