Windham Public Schools has reported a case of COVID-19 at Sweeney Elementary School, district officials said in a letter Friday.
In a letter sent to the district community, Superintendent Tracy Youngberg said the person has not been at the school since Wednesday and the area they spent time at has been thoroughly disinfected. Officials said there is no risk of additional exposure.
The district is working with the North Central District Health Department on contact tracing. School officials stressed that anyone who may have had close contact with the infected person will be notified. Close contact is defined as being within 6 feet of an infected individual for at least 15 minutes.
District officials reminded families and staff that they should not go to school if they are exhibiting any key COVID-19 symptoms, including fever over 100.4 degrees, uncontrollable cough, chills, loss of taste or smell, or shortness of breath.
"WPS is committed to working closely with our local health department to ensure staff and students are utilizing mitigation strategies to minimize our risk of transmitting the virus. We continue to remind the entire WPS community to make sure we wash our hands often, wear our masks, and maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet whenever possible," Youngberg wrote in the letter.
This marks the third confirmed COVID-19 case in the district. Over the weekend, the district had reported two employees in the district had tested positive - one at North Windham Elementary School and one at Windham Middle School. Staff had started working in the building on August 27, but those cases were identified before students returned on September 8 and those employees have been home recovering, officials said.
Anyone with further questions can contact the North Central District Health Department at 860-745-0383.