An 11-year-old Meriden girl missing since Friday has been located and reunited with her family.
Jasmin Fagundo was last seen when she left for school on Friday morning, according to police.
A Silver Alert was issued for Jasmin late Saturday night.
Officers were not told about the missing girl until speaking to the girl's mother Saturday around 10 p.m.
The girl's step-father says Thursday night Jasmine asked her parents if she could go over to a friend's house for a sleepover and they said no.
When she didn't come home from school Friday, they suspected she'd gone over to a friend's house anyway.
They thought that friend's family would take her to the Daffodil Festival and bring her home afterwards.
But, when she still didn't return last night, they grew worried and called police.
Her family says they don't know which friend's house she could be at and don't have contact information for her friends' parents.
A lesson police say other families can learn from.
"Obviously at 11-years-old they're old enough to leave the school on their own and make arrangements with friends to go some where," said Meriden Sergeant Darrin McKay."So, you absolutely want to know who your children are hanging out with. You want to know the names and addresses and hopefully the other parents so that in a case like that you can get in touch with them. A phone number or an address so you can least go over and check."