
Queen of Hearts gives seniors their moment to feel like royalty

The gala and luncheon brings together some of the 300 seniors that use the Hispanic Senior Center locations in Hartford.

NBCUniversal Media, LLC

There was a coronation in downtown Hartford when some local seniors were declared a “Queen of Hearts” and members of her court!

The gala and luncheon was organized by the Hispanic Senior Center, bringing dozens of seniors together for camaraderie, and quite the party, at the Downtown Hartford Marriott.

Moving to the heartbeat of the city, they’re stealing hearts in Hartford.

Maria Riguard is the Queen of Hearts this year.

“Happy, I'm very happy!” Riguard, of Hartford, said.

She explained in Spanish that she is thrilled to be the center of the party and represent other seniors in community activities going forward. Her son was her plus one.

“She does very good at the program and stuff like that so it's surprising and pretty awesome, too,” Michael Riguard, of Hartford, said.

Coronated as the First Princess, Neleida Curbelo was also shining in the spotlight.

“It's so emotional, very emotional,” Curbelo, of Hartford, said.

The Hispanic Senior Center, behind the lively fiesta, runs two centers in Hartford and the royal court is selected through a raffle they organized.,

“We celebrate with different dances, we can have the music, they can put the crown,” Nilda Morales, Hispanic Senior Center Director, said. “They can show that the seniors have life, they can continue and enjoy every moment.”

The party is a similar to a Quinceanera, or Sweet 15, a tradition in Hispanic culture, but one many of these seniors never had the opportunity to celebrate themselves. Including Curbelo.  

“No, never,” she said. “You have a dream, and you want to always think about the princess and the crown. This is my day I guess! It was late, but it's here, right!”

The Queen of Hearts luncheon is just one of many events that brings together some of the 300 seniors that use the Hispanic Senior Center’s two locations, which offer a grandparents program, translation services, and physical and social activities.  

“They play dominoes. They got all sorts of games. I mean, all kinds of puzzles. We do crafting, all sorts of crafts things,” Curbelo said.

This celebration has now been running 25 years.

“They're very nice, lovable people,” Curbelo said.

It’s giving special seniors their moment to feel like royalty.

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